The pic below is from our trip to Lagos a short trip from here. It is in the town centre. little laneways and things going everywhere with much to explore.

This is a really tourist town area. Lots of brits there. Of course, had to take a picture of the marina. We had lunch in a restaurant just around the corner form the tourist section. WHat a difference it made. We were the only tourists there. Henry speaks Portuguse, so it helps a lot.

The 2nd day, we went to Sagres where it is the most south west point in Portugal and Europe. This was special to me, as the town I'm from in NFld, Port aux Basques is also the most South West tip in NFLD. And let me say, it was just as windy!!! Crazy windy. We walked around the tip to the lighthouse and back again. Crazy fishermen hanging off the cliffs. Saw on land a small one. Hope it tasted good. Look how long the pole is...

neve and me at the tip. how windy is that!. She didn't want to be in the wind anymore..

And another look at the fortress. Fort Henry. There is a bunch of history to tell, but later.

Today, we went to the beach in Portimão called Praia da Rocha. Huge cliffs, mucho winds (again) and many tourists. I think they were they only ones there. i mean really, why would the locals spend a day going down enormous cliffs to hide out by the rock for wind cover?
Off to start the charcoal outdoor BBQ (like a fire place outside). He ran after the fish truck this morning. They drive around and ring the bell. So we're making our own sardines. Yesterday, i ordered a hamburger at a restaurant, instead of fish. Umm. go for the fish. It is not an american burger. Good, but no bread and came with a fried egg. i ate every bit, but not what was expected.
Thanks for reading..
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