Wednesday, February 16, 2011

a little restless....

ever wish you had some time to do your own stuff? I could have on Sunday, but I was restless.
Everyone was busy with their own things..
Even Missy Moo was into the lego thang.

And himself digging in his Christmas toy bag for something new...

Hubby in his workshop fixing, fixing.

He even made this!
Edit: the thing he made was the brownies. not the coffee maker!
The silver thing is the coffee press that he uses every morning to make his coffee. It is a bit of a workout in itself.

And me, nada. restless. take pictures of other people looking busy.
But it has passed now. whew! I worked on my boy present yesterday. Happy with how it's going. If it gets a bit brighter outside, I'll take a WIP picture for you.

'Till then, happy sewing!

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