Thursday, June 21, 2012

A new home and adventure

Within the past week and a bit, we sold our house, I sang 2 concerts, 2 church services, tended to children, arranged for a menagerie of childcare and hopped on a plane to find a new home. 
Here it is.... back in March. 
We looked at it then too. And decided to wait until we were closer to moving. Since then, most of the other properties in town had been bought up. There's a new load of people moving into town. New things are happening. new life in a small, historic fishing village in NS. Good things. Growing things. And we will be a part of it.
Dock Street Brewing Company

The house and the grounds are fabulous. I can't wait to add all the things that will make it our home. Our little bit of country in the town. It's only 2 houses away from an intersection, but boy, it feels and sounds like the country to me. The mosquitoes don't let you forget that. Oh, there are so many trees. So many varieties of trees. Shhhh, there's an oak tree outside the door. Acorns are growing already! How exciting.

I thought that when we moved, my blog would take on the form of renovating an old, magestic home. But that was not to be for us right now. Instead, we can move in in 3 weeks. WOW! Did I just say that? 3 weeks.

So, I'll be reporting of our new life. My new craft room!!!! No slanted roof. Tall bookshelves will be used!
I'm going to make a butterfly from Abby of While She Naps this week, if the humidity ever breaks. so I'll let you know.

Thanks for stopping by!

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