Monday, February 13, 2012

one red sock

After a bit of a stall, I finished my sock. And I did the toe decrease by reading the pattern without assistance. Yep, I'm proud of that little thing.

There are so many holes, extra rows of knit instead of purl on the ribbed top

but I don't care. It is a learning process for me. The heel was fun and the merging of it with the rest of the sock. See, I don't even know the lingo.

It fits. If you call a sock sliding around your foot fitting. Maybe a little bath will help.

I think Neve likes it too.

And it fits in my boot. Oh, that hole on the top, it's to hold my pencil.

Just wondering, should I finish the pair with the other sock, or knit up a new pair with some self striping wool I have in my stash? hmmmm, what do you suggest?

Edit to add: I have indeed started the 2nd sock upon the suggestion of my tutor. :} I figure, I'll go this one alone and see what I do or don't remember. Then my rainbow one will be perfect. I probably won't even wear them, I'm a little sensitive to bumps on the bottom of my feet. As someone said to me, "I think there's a story about that. There's this pea, they put under a load of mattresses." To which I replied, "yes, the secret is out, You may now address me as your highness!"

I'm off to a tutorial this afternoon at the Sewer's World, where i bought my machine. I'm going to learn about all the stitches and tricks of the machine.
Of course i'll share!



  1. This could totally be a practise sock, with no obligation to finish its mate. Unless you like completion. I do mine toe-up, two at a much better for easily distracted peoplel like me...means I always end up with a pair!!
    Good for IS a learning process. Turning a heel can seem intimidating...but like life, you just take it one stitch at a time.

  2. finish the pair! with imperfections, you don't need to stress about wearing them out and thus will feel no guilt about wearing them constantly. If i make socks that are too nice, I never wear them because I don't want all that effort to get worn out!!!!

  3. That is one beauty of a red sock!
    My biggest stumbling block is the idea that I then have to make another matching one...

  4. hee hee, your so clever, love the built in pencil holder. defintely make a pair, your first socks!

  5. Well done on finishing the sock! I'm of the opinion that you should finish this pair. You're going to be proud of your first socks forever!!
