Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Yarn Along

I've been reading Ginny's blog, Small Things for some time now and would drool a little in awe on Wednesdays when she had the Yarn Along.
Like many, I get the knitting bug in the colder weather. I can't read a pattern, but wanted to make something other than a scarf. I enlisted my knitting fanatic friend ( I have many actually) to teach me how to knit socks.
She suggested a ribbed sock and let me raid her wool stash. I chose to go bulky to make the experience a little more positive by being able to knit it up faster.

But I was left on my own to try the next phase. Like I said, I don't read patterns (yet) and messed it up a bit. There are 4 needles on there right now. I have a feeling it was only supposed to be 3. I took the sock to my rehearsal last night. It's amazing how many knitters there are about. 2 came directly to me and started chatting it up. My eyes got that glazed, fear look to them. They recognized it and offered to help, but the rehearsal resumed.

The sock has been in my bag all day. Hoping it wouldn't unravel and that I would have a moment to sit with someone in the know. Not to be today.

So I'll just look at the close ups. Ain't it purdy?
Oh, the needles are from the stash my grandmother had. I inherited them. A great stash. Anything you need in there.

The book I'm reading, but not in the past week or more, is the Scotiabank Giller Prize winner this year, Half -Blood Blues

A good book. Not something I would normally go towards, but it's keeping me interested and letting my imagination grow.

And nice bookmark from Marie over at Soft Earth Art. I won her fall giveaway and she sent some extra postcards and book marks. lovely.

k, that's it for now.
have a good one,


  1. From your photos, it looks like you've turned the heel already. I like that stage as it means I'm on the home stretch. Get ready to cast on the second sock.

  2. Yay welcome to sock knitting! :-) I love knitting socks. I started out knitting them with heavier yarn too. Goes quicker and it's easier to learn with the larger stitches rather then the small ones. It looks like it's coming along great!

  3. Thanks for the details on the book, that looks like a good one. I'll keep my eyes open for it.
