Monday, January 30, 2012

hot lunch pouch

My friend needed a pouch to keep her daughter's lunch warm. I made up this little thing for her. And now....a wee tutorial...
I chose an outer fabric, liner and a middle layer that is a heat insulator type of thing. (sorry, I can't remember the proper name for it. Henceforth, it shall be named heat insulator.) I cut the fabrics 9.5x15 inches.

with wrong sides together and the heat insulator in the middle, I began to sew lines to quilt it.

I used the fancy attachment on my machine to help keep the lines straight.

After sewing a few lines, the back started to bunch up, so I turned the attachment and the fabric around to sew from the other end. Still the same problem. I think my feed dog was going faster than my top. I'm hoping to get a lesson at the store where I got my machine to learn a few things.

After a bit of trimming,

I cut the piece in half to get 2, 9.5 x 7.5 inch pieces.

I was trying to decided whether to use binding on the top and use velcro or whether to put a zipper up there.

I went with the zipper.

Broke a zipper on my serger while trying to make the inside neat. Boxed the corners and then broke a needle on my sewing machine. Did I mention that this project took way took much time?

Sewed up the sides, turned right side out.

A bit of ribbon in the zipper. There ya go, a hot lunch pouch.

Let's hope it works as well as the oven mitt she was using before!


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