Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Weekend Happenings

it's another beauty here. Any warm days after the middle of October are a gift. It's supposed to get to 15 degrees celcius today. Awesome!
We had a a warmish weekend also. good thing, I was selling my wares at an outdoor venue!
Special hi to all who are visiting here from the Fair! Welcome.
Here is my table. i forgot to bring a few things to add various heights to the table. It's rather flat, but tons to look at.

I made a batch of mittens that went like hotcakes. it was just enough chill in the morning before the sun came around the building to want cosy mittens. This is my almost empty basket. I should have taken a picture before to keep the ideas for future mittens. I have since scored with some great sweaters and will be sewing up a mitten storm this week. Another craft fair this weekend.

Here are some clothes and doll slings on a line, with the happy teapot bunting.

Here are some money cuffs to be featured later. I adapted a lunch money cuff from A lemon Squeezy Home

And lastly, Halloween!
Neve decided on 2 costumes to play with. The first is super woman. She has red and gold hairspray in her hair. You could hardly see it, but she was excited just the same. This was for the school-indoors.

For outside, she was a wizard. A few layers went under this costume. And Rafael wanted to be Mario. Homemade is good enough for him. The mustache was attached with 2 sided carpet tape. Let's just say that we learned to make it a little less sticky before applying to the face. ouch. Last year, he was Alvin the chipmunk. Next year, he wants to be an Angry Bird. Lord help me!

And when the Mario is in the washroom, the wizard goes into disguise!

must make some mittens....
thanks for stopping by,

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