Friday, September 16, 2011

Felted soap

I've been looking for a nice soap to make felted soap with. And at a reasonable price. I finally found some made of goat's milk and oatmeal. I love. it. i originally bought a bunch, tried one out and used them all up in the shower without felting them.

I found a supply again and set about to try it out.

After felting with brightly coloured wool and the dye coming out when used, I decided to go with the undyed grey wool and used a few accent colours.

To me, it looks so earthy.

To see my other ventures in wet felting soap go here

Have a good one,


  1. And what do you do with felted soap?

  2. These are beautiful! Please do a tutorial and show those like me, who have never felted, how to make create felted soap. :)

  3. Oh, fun! I'm adding this to my homemade Christmas present to-do list.
