Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Little Red dress and cape

The big reveal day is getting closer and I'm still so excited! Her birthday is next week.
I had some red velvety like stuff (do we still call it velour?) in mind for this dress, but no satin or shiny for the bottom. But, I had this grey linen table cloth that I love. And it was big enough for the skirt. Gosh, it sure does take up some fabric for the bottom!

I used the hem of the table cloth as the hem for the dress. That's why it's so long. I also used the fancy stitch on the machine to add some interest.

And here....

this dress did take a long time. Maybe 2 hours. For a doll's dress! I didn't bother to cut a lining for it. I could have made a Neve size in that time. Maybe I will try to find a pattern for her.??
With extra red fabric, a fancy cape was in order...

With this gorgeous cotton trim...

They didn't make the pattern for big haired dolls! :}

I also made another suit for a reader who wants to barter. 1st time anyone has asked. fun!

For a bit of comparison, both dolls are 18 inches. The Waldorf doll is a little thicker in the arms and then the bigger hands.

The red dress is a modern pattern. If I were to make it again, I would have a smaller seam allowance in the wrist area. I know it will be a problem for her putting it on and off.

All in all, it was a nice way to spend an afternoon alone, in the air conditioning!

Have a good one!

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