Tuesday, June 28, 2011

this past weekend

It's been awhile, but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy!
This past weekend, we went to Ottawa so DH could sail in an albacore regatta. Best part about this trip, I got to spend it with my friend from my undergrad days, oh so many years ago. Her daughter is the same age as Neve and they were the best of buddies.
On Saturday, we visited the Canadian Museum of Nature.
What a gorgeous building!

Here are some random shots....
dino world

hey, what's up there?

Pretty deep! Don't try this at home!

This is a 6 year old whale. It is 19 meters long. the adult can get up to 40 meters long! that's a lot of ocean!

Then that night, we went to a Drumming concert at my friend's church. We stayed as long as the kids could last. it was great.
Some Chinese dancers.

Samba Ottawa was an invigorating feast! busy people.

Then on Sunday, we went to Canadian Agriculture Museum
It was a working farm where they experiment with different techniques and procedures. For example, they had 8 breeds of dairy cows. A tractor museum with hands on things, and so many other exhibits.

Angora sheep. They were so used to being touched, that the mother pushed her head up to the railing for a little rub. Then her baby did too. I didn't touch though. I didn't feel like washing my hands. Again. lame eh?

A busy weekend indeed!

Canada Post is back to work! Yippee!!!! I'm expecting at least 5 packages. It will be like Christmas when it all comes in. I'll be sure to post.
Tomorrow is the last day of school. Lots of plans for the summer. Hope the weather co-operates.
Have a good one,

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