Thursday, June 16, 2011

Pixie Pop

Hi everyone,
Here's a great game for the kiddies that I saw over at We Bloom Here, who saw it at Kleas
(sorry for the poor photos, it was a dark, gloomy, rainy day and I was sick sick sick on the couch.) I don't think I even have this in a good story telling order, but here goes..
after making the pixies (most excellent tutorials in links above, find some kind of lever device. I tried the popsicle stick with a dowel, but this combination made the best jump for us. a nail file and a sharpie. Oh, i got the kids to spend some time making the faces on the pixies by 1st sanding a bit of the varnish off with the nail file so i could catch up with the hat sewing in my ill health. They really enjoyed giving them personalities. That activity in itself was amusing.

glue the same coloured pieces of felt inside the carton. If they get it in, it's a point. If they get it in the right colour, 3 points. Be warned, pixies will be flying all over the room until you get the knack for popping.

They spent another few days playing meeting with the pixies. Here's the mayor. He held a very long meeting for about a day. Long winded I guess.

The only picture of some faces. they look like they're having a good time. Maybe the mayor is talking about tax breaks and free popcorn.

And the last shot of an aerial view...

Apologies for the lack of posts lately. I'm on the Fun Fair Committee at my kids' school. There are 3.5 of us doing the whole thing! Crazy. I'll be having a table there with my things. Luckiliy, I have a bunch of stuff leftover from another sale, so that's what they'll get. Ever feel that what you put on the table is not representing all that you can do? I don't have any roving/felted things. Only some birds. What about my penguin and owls and acorns and soap?ugh.

The fun fair will have a crazy hat contest. My son has decided he wants to win the tallest hat. If he doesn't, it should be the most original. It's going to be a sandwich, made out of foam. yep, crazy I am. After making a few little sandwiches and burning my fingers once too many on the hot glue, I called it a night and went to bed at 9:30. yep, woke up at 4:30 with a full night's sleep. So here I am. Maybe I'll have some breakfast now, the sun is coming up and the birdies are singing. :}

have a good one,


  1. I got my swap package yesterday! We're all loving it so much - thanks again for hosting it! (:

  2. Gosh. Was I confused or what? Put "hook" in a blog name and color me absent minded. (: Sorry for the comment that likely made little sense.
