Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I really should get focused enough to finish some of these projects.
These need to go in the washer.

Along with these.

These hairless, capless gnomes need a garden bag each. And a toadstool. And some flowers.

These sweater flowers need some ribbon stems to make into hair clip holders. I'm waiting on little clear hoops that I had in my hand at the notions store. I was holding them thinking, "what do I need these for? Do I really need these now? I'll wait 'til I know what I want them for." Then I came home and remembered. Another trip to the store in the future.

And lastly,
these silk cocoons are waiting to be dyed like the ones in the latest issue of Living Crafts.

And a dress cut out for Neve. Waiting to be sewn. I keep saying that it's still a little too cold for it. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Nothin' to do with my inability to finish things these days. Or the crazed search for the bag of craft stuff I was just working on. What kind of bag did I put it in? Where did I put that bag? Where's my case with all the threads in it? Where are my needles? ugh. see, need some focus.

Have a good one,


  1. Oh WIPs. I have a lot of them around here. Not sure if it is "work in progess" or more "where ideas proliferate".

  2. oh my gosh. however do you do those balls..ive got no idea! x

  3. I can SO relate to this! I go through phases, though (I don't know if anyone else does) where I have so many ideas and so I start a whole pile of projects, then I run out of I start finishing the ones I started...then the creative bug hits again, and I'm back to starting new ones. :)

  4. the ebb and flow of the creative juices...

    Love those new balls!


  5. Always something to do! Love those monkeys, too cute!

  6. Love the balls. Mystified by them. Desirous of one. My house is one big WIP. Tile in the bathroom, anyone?
