Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Around the house

This is a potato. Shaped like a heart. (Dish is from Winners, given as a gift from my friend in NS. It is huge. Holds a bag of apples, a box of mandarins and various other fruits. I didn't even know I needed it. Now that I have it, what did I ever do before?)

This is a potato chip. Shaped like a heart. (look in the strawberry) Found on the same day as the potato. Draw your own conclusions, write your own story. (this fish dish was in my suitcase from our Portugal trip a few years ago. We bought it at an artisian market on our last night. The weather was perfect, the lights, people, smells, sense of adventure. I shall return there again. I use it to hold my tea bags so I don't have to get up from the table. Draw your own conclusions, write your own story.)

We are preparing for our letters to our penpals. This is a life sized tracing of the kids that they colour. Rafael's pen pal is from Alaska and Neve's is from Australia. If the moms are reading this, the letters are not sent yet. It's on my mind and I feel more guilty every day I don't get it out. please forgive.:}

And the Mister found a few moments this weekend to dig his fig tree out of the ground and turn the soil.(fig tree not pictured) Kind of excited about the garlic. I think this is the year we should get something.

And my computer is broked again. I'm using an old laptop, which surprisingly, is better than my own. I may have to claim rights to it.

off to sew. All day. I have shipped the kids out. A sale is coming this weekend. If you're in town, it's the Mom2Mom sale at St. John Norway? church at Woodbine and Kingston rd. 10-2. drop by, say hi.

Have a good one.

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