Friday, December 17, 2010

GIveaway winner!!

WOW! Thanks to all who commented and became followers to my little world! It was astounding the response and kind words you gave. Alas, I don't have enough for all of you, so I let random Generator choose for me:

Having some trouble getting the picture of it here.
It was 423. Winner is Amy from Radseams Congrats! I'll send you an email.

Please send me your mailing address so I can get it in the mail ASAP. Probably won't get it for Christmas, but better to have than to have not, yes?
Here is a pic of the winnings

I never was able to get a picture of the doll sling in action. My model is STILL sick. fever, napping, whining, cough, snuffles etc. at least it's not barfing etc. k, enough of that.
So here is the picture from the pattern that belonged to a friend's grandmother. I'm planning on doing a tutorial for this with my amendments for doll sizes of today. Maybe after Christmas. Quickest, easiest doll sling around. And I've been looking for a year or 2.

Once again, thanks for your words. Come back again, I have a few more ornaments to show you.



  1. Rats! Lovely giveaway. I can't believe I missed it. Well done Amy.

  2. Congratulations indeed to Radseams. Sadness for me. A coupl of my kiddos were really hoping for Mommy to win this one. Maybe next time.

    Looking forward to future blog posts here.
