Thursday, October 14, 2010

more creature purses

I've been busy in the sewing room, but just remakes of things you've seen already. Nothing new and exciting.
Here's another creature purse.. this time a car. beep beep

And a little hedgie! i love him.

On the 22-24, the Creative festival is happening here in TO. I'm so excited! I've arranged childcare for the whole day and don't have to get them till school is over at 3:30. Come to think of it, my uncle picks the kids up on Fridays and takes them to swimming after school WHOOT! I can stay out longer. Best go find my good walking shoes! I'll be sure to have a few good posts from that!

Have a good one,

1 comment:

  1. your banner is seriously cute!
    i love little hedgie too! : )
