Wednesday, August 18, 2010

needle felted shapes

We have a new addition to our mermaid family..

A pink wee one to be doted upon. she has been loved and ooed and aahed over muchly.

I also got a bit of an ah-ha moment in the Bulk Barn! ha. Running down the aisles, I must have paused to think or something. it was next to the cookie cutters. The gingerbread cutters jumped out at me. Christmas!

That's as far as I've gotten with it. Should I go purist and only do needle felted ones? Put buttons on them and some ric rac? Some of each to please the masses? What? What? Guess I should ask that question when i make some samples first. you can vote. And yes, I meant to focus on the gingerbread, but the camera didn't. oh well.

And some flowers I was wanting to put on dowels as wands, but not sure how to attach. Any advice?

Like the new colours I got from Gemini Fibres? They are an online company too.

Have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. Those are very pretty! I really love the mermaids.
