Wednesday, August 25, 2010

down in the valley

Many years ago, I did my undergrad at Acadia University
I spent 5 years in the lovely Annapolis Valley and have longed to live there since. Whenever I visit my parents in Halifax, I take a day to visit the valley. Yesterday I went with my family, nephew and parents. We went to Grand Pre National Park, the site where the Acadiens were deported from Canada. If you've heard of Cajun music and food, it comes from the Acadiens from Nova Scotia.

Here is a picture of the church with a statue of Evangeline. Longfellow wrote a poem of her.

There was a very good movie with the small cinema built to look like the hold of a ship. Here is a display in the church.

After the park, it was up to the Blomidon Look off. Scroll down a bit
Beautiful, just beautiful. The tide was going out. They have the highest tides in the world up to 35 feet in some areas. The bottom of the Bay of Fundy is a red muddy clay that squelches and oozes when you step in it. ugh. shiver.
Anyhow, all that adventure to say, I bought a new craft kit. Yes, I need a new hobby to try. (NOT)
Rug hooking. I bought the hooked Santa ornament at the Rossignol Cultural Centre in Liverpool, NS

It's done with some kind of strips of cloth.
The kit below has wool yarn. I need to google how to do it properly. There's no way it should go so slowly. And what direction do you do it in? I did well with the 1st row, but then I turned back for the 2nd. yeah, even slower.
Anyone do this kind of hooking? Tips would be appreciated.

Thanks for looking and reading the drudgery of my vacation. :}

1 comment:

  1. I used to live in Port Williams, in an apple orchard nonetheless!
    We were poor young kids, (I was engaged at the time), and we spent our whole winter eating apple crisp and going to the Ocean.
    I LOVE the Annapolis always feels like home to me!
    xo maureen
