Friday, May 7, 2010

the gnomes are coming, the gnomes are coming!

Remember this long forgotten house? ( from One Yard Wonder)

that's as much as it's going to be finished. It was dragging me down too much as I had too many grand ideas for it.

But I am happy to report that there are some little people to live inside now...

They are the seasonal gnomes. Pink=summer, orange=summer, blue=winter, green=autumn. The colours and hair were chosen by the kids. Another magical crafting session where they would stop by, take a peek, offer a suggestion, then happily go off and play the new game they concocted. What ever that was...

They like to hang out here when they come out of the trees.

And sometimes, they like to hang in the trees.

Thanks for looking,


  1. So cute! Thanks for the inspiration. Happy crafting :)

  2. ¡Hermoso!
    muchas gracias

  3. Beautifully made. How can a child resist playing. Sweet idea.

  4. Veramente belli ed emozionanti. bellissimi. Ciao Glori

  5. I love the leaf shaped sleeping bag idea!

  6. Love this idea. My personal favourite is the autumn one, but I do like them all.

  7. I saved a post with a house like this and will try to make one soon. Now I have some more little things to make too. Thanks for shareing.

  8. Sweet - I like the dotty fabric for the roof. I have a bunch of those wee wooden doll things - it really is about time that I painted them or something.
