Sunday, April 4, 2010

easter friends

My 1st project of needle felting with the wool is the bunnies.

It took a few attempts for the body as I wasn't rolling it tight enough. one of the bodies felt hollow inside. Now I know.

I made the egg by wrapping roving around an egg shaped styrofoam form. then added some dots. The egg kind of lost it's shape.

And I also made a few more bunnies from Betz . Rafael stuffed his with the wool and it is firmer than the eco-stuffing made from pop bottles. yes, I'm glad to have this wool gift.

I'm finished 4 days of singing in church. I love the High holy days and the place that the music has in it. But I have to confess, by the last hymn today, I was ready to call it over! Hope to get to bed early tonight. And the kids don't have school tomorrow. A lazy start and maybe a trip to the gym. T-shirt season if here. yippee!!

Hope you had a good one.

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