Friday, March 5, 2010

WIP and more wallets

I've been seeing WIp in posts lately. it took me a while to figure it out. And it still catches me off guard sometimes. lol
WIP means work in Progress. and I like the idea of showing them, because I have lots of them.

This fabric house is for a birthday girl who had her birthday last month! I wanted to make something special. It took me ages to decide on this. And then there were a few errors that I fixed and then the "fear" of moving to a next step. So, there are many stops and starts.

Since this photo, I've sewed the sides that need sewing and have 3 of 5 buttons covered. Then I need to put the doors and windows on with felt and finish the felted person to go with the felted stones and oh, some crochet flowers. Yep, a work in progress alright.
The house tutorial can be found here and also in the One Yard Wonder book. The tutorial on the web is a little more elaborate in some areas. but the book has a better way of how to cut the side panels out. Wish i had read both. It would have covered my mistakes. Now I know. And you know, I always look forward to making something the 2nd time to iron out mistakes.

So here is something I whipped up for an adult birthday today.

I actually cut it out around 3 am this morning! I fell asleep with the kids again. By 1:30, I was awake! I cut everything out and tried to sew a line, but it was too noisy in a quiet, still house. So I did it this afternoon. I replenished my zipper supply, so bring it on!

have a great weekend,

1 comment:

  1. Your house turned out so cute! :) I made one a couple Christmases ago, and it took forever. Of course, I did think I could cleverly add a second floor. Yeah. Not so clever. :) I don't know that I would ever make another one... unless I have to! lol.
