Tuesday, January 26, 2010

red, red is the colour I see,

if you're wearing red then show it to me...
stand up turn all around
point to your colour and then sit down.
Sorry, song came to my head when I was writing the title. It's a kid's song....

So on to the red thing.
I was tagged by a fellow Newfie on her blog
with the crickets
and thought I would join in...

Here are 2 pieces of my favorite red fabric. I always see these prints with denim and some sort of white.

And a trip to the supermarket today brought these home and so many other yummies. Don't you just love coming home from a big shop after having empty cupboards? snack time all the time!

Hoping to make banana bread with these in them. hubby doesn't agree with chocolate in banana bread, so I'll have to make it myself.

this is a Christmas present we have been waiting to try. Alas, we are snowless. not a spec in my neighbourhood.

And as I said, here is my 2nd attempt at the previous Bella. I think i shall name her Lily, though the girl I'm giving it to may have other ideas.

So there ya go.. wanna join in on a little red to brighten the January blahs?

thanks for looking,

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I wish we had some good looking strawberries like that. Only problem is when I bring home something like that it's usually gone in about 10 minutes with my 3 berry eaters.
