Saturday, January 2, 2010

few odds and ends

Whew! We're back home from a whirlwind visit to my sister in laws. I drove through every type of winter weather in 3 hours. in the dark. with a sleeping family. Lovely to visit, Glad to be home.

So here are a few things I made for my godson...

He really enjoys the felt cubes I made for him here, but the quality of felt wasn't standing up to baby drooling and chewing very well, so his mommy took it away. Being the auntie that I am, I made him a new block from fabric. And put some ribbons around it. The funnest thing about this block is the square of chip bag I sewed in one panel of the block. it crinkles! now he chews on it to his content and the ribbons have frayed as I hoped they would.

I also sewed a little square with ribbons and the chip bag liner. Here's a little tip... turn the chip bag so the silver foil side will be visible on the outside. I put the words facing out and you can see them in the block. Makes for a cute story. Their house is full of hockey fanatics, so the fabric is appreciated.

And another little birdie for the tree.( template is from Fa la la la Felt mentioned here.
this is how I finalized my ornaments this year. Just a straight stitch with enough thread at the end to crochet a loop. And a bit of stuffing in the body.

I still have to photograph the DS case I made for Rafael and the pile of sewing books I got for Christmas. When my headache goes away, I'm hoping to go visit my serger. It's waiting for me.....

Thanks for looking,

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