Monday, December 7, 2009

pretty scalloped felt balls

On my daily journey through blogland, I visited one of my favs....
homemade by Jill

She suggested some ornaments she'd may get to this year.

I like this one, as someone was explaining it to me just the other day.

I just couldn't think about how to hide the knots of the threads when I used different colours, so I decided to make it part of the ornament.

I also used my scallop circle Quickutz die to make the circles. And a little mix of the colours...

I see snow all over blogland. We still don't have any here. At the moment, it is almost 3 degrees outside. A mild, calm, no wind blowing 3 degrees. Quite nice and acceptable for December. I hear we're in for some white stuff on Wednesday. We shall see.
It would help when I'm out schlecking the malls, corporate parties and sidewalks singing the joys of the season.

Last year's picture of a camera shy girlie. My she has grown so much since then.

Fa la la la la la la la la
thanks for looking,

1 comment:

  1. these are great ornaments, a clever solution to the thread issue :)

    thanks for visiting my blog in the dec 2 giveaway. I hope you come back to visit.
