Sunday, December 27, 2009

Car Cozy

I got this tutorial from
Handmade by Jill

Who in turn credits the idea from
My Little Gems
I made the orange cones and traffic light on my own.

I used repurposed fabric for this one. The outside was an ikea cutain in a previous life, the inside was my husband's pants. The print fabric on the bottom is a recent purchase from Fabricland.

I so love making these and have made a bunch for birthday prezzies. Please, as requested by both originators, do not make to resell.

I'm off to clean my room to play with my new to me serger! I got a grown up serger! with lots of coloured threads to boot! And i have some Ikea fabric we picked up in Portugal that I've been saving for a new choir bag. But i must clean my room first. maybe not.....

thanks for looking,


  1. Z-Man loves his Car Cozy! We loaded it up and brought it out to breakie today. Both kids played and had a great time with it. thank you sooo sooo much!

  2. LOVE IT!! I know September is far away, but I know two little boys that would LOVE THIS! (and a girl for that matter, but her b-day is not in Sept!).

  3. What a great idea! I have a car crazy nephew who would fill this up with all his Nascar cars and CARS in a heartbeat!
