Wednesday, March 25, 2009

flowers and granny squares

more crocheting for you. I thought I had done myself out with the flowers and had put the crochet bag away for a bit. But then my friend, Barb, of the online, eco-friendly toy store, (sorry Barb, I can't get my hotlink to work. Cut and paste people) requested a long zipper pull for her son. That's all it took. A simple little request. I immediately thought of the granny squares. A new challenge? Sure. I imagined 2 together as the blue and brown one is. I also made a few more, but they sold quickly. Then I decided to try multi-coloured ones and fell in love. I can't stop doing them. they are so fun!!! I have a few other ideas, but can't bring myself to try them until I use up all my multi coloured ideas. So stay tuned, there will be more!

Oh yes, I these are the last lot of flower designs I did. Haven't found a purpose for these yet. Did you see them on the front page of the Papercrafts mag this past month? Lovely.

thanks for looking,

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