Thursday, November 6, 2008

no visuals


I'm having some trouble with my camera and computer relations.. they are not talking to one another right now. My DH is away tonight, so I can't just fix the problem by using his computer and handing him mine to look at. So I'll tell ya what I've been up to.

I've been thinking scrapbooking lately. Big pages, glitter, swirls, big pieces of chipboard shapes, stick on letters. You name it, I've been dreaming it. This is big to me, as I have always felt overwhelmed by the thoughts of putting a page together. i think I can do it now, as I have been gathering the larger items for scrapping over the last year.

I'm going to a crop tomorrow night. So looking forward to it. I have 2 layouts planned and spent 2 hours covering and sanding 3 swirly chipboard shapes. Can I just tell you that I'd much prefer to cover it with glitter!!! That sanding is the pits. What a mess. And slow. Thank goodness I have that set of files of various shapes and sizes. It does help a lot. but my Gawd! time consuming. And I don't have the heart to distress the edges with ink. Forgedaboutit.

If all goes well, I'll have something to show you on late, late Friday or Saturday.

Oh, I've also made my 1st attempt at soldering. DH has all the materials. I just bought the copper and glass a few months ago. It is fun. Going to get a proper glass cutter from the stain glass gallery and then I'm set to go. Stay tuned.

We've been enjoying the awesome warm weather here lately. t-shirt at times. Lovely. We'll take it while we can.

Thanks for looking,

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