Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sewn book and Blog Candy reminder

Howdy, here is your reminder to comment for the blog candy. I still need to get a picture of it, but never have my camera and project in the same room. It's all upstairs on the 3rd floor. I'll be drawing tomorrow evening. Leave your comment on the post previous to this one.

Here is what I worked on today.

I got this idea from my upline Sarah at Great ideas here, go take a look.

Paper is by Scenic route. Lovely isn't it? I put some SU plain pages in there also. The cover size is 5 inches, the inside is 4.5. You need a special ribbon slot punching tool for this project and cloth binding fabric? I used some fabric paper that was from Winners. They had a great line of it. This pkg had mostly shiny ones, but this textured page worked perfectly.

Pages are inserted 2 together and sewn in the accordian style binding. THe ribbon is also sewn into it at this time. Front flaps from the binding are glued to the paper. Don't glue both sides, or it won't allow you to turn the pages fully or properly. The pages of the newly created inside are attached to the cover via the ribbon through the slotted holes.

k, so I can't explain things well. In a few days, I should be able to take you through it with a tutorial. I have another book cut out ready to assemble, so I'll do it in steps.

What are you doing for New Year's Eve? Sarah and her family are coming over for an early celebration. Going to buy some noise makers and streamers for a kiddie countdown. Plan on having a music making time and just some fun all around.

Hope you get to do what you want to do..
Thanks for looking,

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