Remember that tin I covered a while back? Well, here is the kit I had planned for it. there are still come cards to put inside and I need to design a title for it, but here it is!
All SU products on the tin and cards. I don't know who's site I first saw it on. I looked on Splitcoast stampers, but couldn't find this tin there. I did lift the ideas for the cards from another person though.
If you need the recipe, email me. I'm rushing out the door right now.
I plan on making a tin for teen girls. I'm going to ask advice from some of my younger cousins who are in the know.
Thanks for looking,
Hi Amanda,
ReplyDeleteThese are so cute. My niece in N.S. just had a new baby. I will have to order some things from you when I see you next. Thanks so much for the stamps. I picked up the tins ( your directions were great - didn't get lost) and stamped them Friday night. I left the stamps with Jacqueline, along with a couple of acrylic blocks for you. Let me know if you have any specific sizes you want and I will get hubby to cut some.